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Menace in Rubber ~ Libertine in Garment ~ Poetry in Leather


L U K E ~ S H A D B O L T 

An internationally recognised and award winning photographer, Shadbolt’s mesmerising The Infinity Wall, and Maelstrom series changed surf photography overnight. Part of Resin’s very first shoots, Shadbolt combines his fearless and inventive ideas with world class skill to Resin campaigns.

A L E X ~ B R U N T O N 

At only 22 years old, Alex Brunton has already forged a powerful career in photography. His visions are clearly immersed in light, texture and movement, he frames the intimate moments nobody else can see. A part of the Resin family since day one, Alex has perfectly captured the mood of the brand – dangerous, simmering, electrifying.


S A R A H ~ C H R I S T E N S E N

Few photographers capture the heart of their subject better than Sarah Christensen. Her strength lies in her easy ability to connect, to convey warmth and emotion through light and composition, all within the framework of the viewfinder. Mix that skill with an absolutely undeniable commitment to excellence and passion for the craft and you have yourself a once in a lifetime artist.



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